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Loving Vincent

Terrace de Cafe du Nuit reproduction by Leanna Nguyen 
Original by Vincent Van Gogh

Today's blog is dedicated to Vincent Van Gogh. After watching the movie "Loving Vincent" I thought what a great topic for the kids. The movie is absolutely brilliant. Every scene and every single part of the movie was hand painted and inspired by Vincent Van Gogh's original paintings. He was a genius during his time but he was unappreciated and unfortunately died a sad death. Now, many years later his work is studied and respected as one of the best and it comes to show you how important one person's vision can be for the future. I encourage my students to create whatever they wish in their minds and hearts because you'll never know who you could inspire and how far you can get. Dare to draw out your visions, dreams, and imagination and let it take you to great heights.

Here is a link to draw one of Vincent Van Gogh's most famous paintings. I'd like all my students to try and draw it and send me their reproductions. I hope you get inspired and enjoy a bit of art.

             Vincent van Gogh, Self Portrait 

Fun Facts about Vincent Van Gogh

There were 4 Vincent Van Goghs in the family!
Vincent Van Gogh was born on March 30, 1853, in Groot-Zundert, Netherlands. He was named after his grandfather and his brother who died at birth one year before Vincent was born. Vincent´s brother Theo also named his son after Vincent.  

He started painting at age 27.  He taught himself how to paint!
He never went to an art school or anything like that.  He was a natural genius and that distinguishes him among many others. Cool huh...

A life through letters.Vincent Van Gogh was a private man.  He didn't have many friends and was misunderstood for most of his life.  His best friend was his brother Theo and most of what we know of him is through the letters they would write to each other.

He cut off part of his own ear.Vincent Van Gogh was a troubled man.  He spent a part of his life in psychiatric hospitals.  He suffered from mental illness and so he lived a hard and sad life at times.  He felt very lonely and isolated from most of the people around him. 

The portrait of Dr. Gatchett sold for $82.5 Million.Van Gogh created one of the most expensive paintings in history. His Portrait of Dr. Gachet which he painted in 1890 sold for $82.5 million in 1990.  Dr. Gatchett was his doctor and friend.

He was what we call a prolific painter.
Van Gogh had a short life as an artist, however during this time of around 10 years he created about 2,100 artworks, including around 860 oil paintings. Many of his paintings were created in the last two years of his life. Amazing right!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much for your comment. You are my first comment! <3

  2. I saw the movie. It's special, it looks like all the painters that drew the scenes were in the hands of Vincent. Oh, sad story and incredibly touching. Wish he had lasted longer enough at least to enjoy his own success in life.

    1. Yes, it´s truly sad to know what a tortured soul he was when he had such a beautiful and giving heart. Well for me he lives on in his paintings and we have a piece of him still...that makes him immortal and well he left his grain of sand for all of us in the end.


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