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Talking with the Flowers

May is finally here!  Spring has arrived and the flowers have started to bloom.  They say April showers bring May flowers but I think it's May who has had the showers lately. As far as I can remember my mother has always told me May is the month of roses.  Roses are one of my favorite types of flowers. Did you know that Roses are edible?! Word of the day: Edible it means you can eat it. Well yes, roses and other flowers are edible and some are quite tasty. You have to be very careful when you identify them so you can eat the right ones.  You don't want to eat a poisionous flower!!  Well in Victorian times, Roses were a delicacy and you could eat them in salads, desserts, and even in meat sauce.  I've tried roses and depending on the rose it will be more flavorful or less, it all depends on it's fragrance.  In general, they kind of taste like lettuce.  You have to make sure you eat one that hasn't been sprayed with pesticides or any chemicals.  It's fun to try it out.  I highly reccomend it.  So, because I love old antique things and I enjoy finding out how people lived in the past...I've found a nice collection of Victorian Rose Recipes.  I'll post a few up on here.  Roses are not only edible but they are used in cosmetics too.  Roses are a blessing and they are good for everything really, the scent is nice, the taste is unique, and the touch too.

Here are some Rose Recipes you can try out at home if you happen to have a rose garden.  

If you aren't daring enough to eat a rose or bake with the petals I highly suggest you go rose hunting and make your own Rose Water perfume.  It's smells so beautiful and it's really easy to make too.

The Beautiful Benefits of the Rose

  • Balances hormones (including amenorrhea)
  • Reduces eye and skin inflammation 
  • Soothes sore throats and coughs
  • Promotes restful and peaceful sleep
  • Cools the gastrointestinal tract
  • Soothes anxiety and depression
  • Reduces wrinkles and skin aging
  • May reduce pain due to its analgesic effects
  • It has strong antibacterial and antiseptic properties
  • Reduces blood glucose levels
  • Has neuroprotective properties
  • It´s a natural antioxidant and great for the skin
The Bulgarian Rose-The Queen of Flowers
Roses are a national emblem in the country of BulgariaBulgaria has a long history of harvesting roses… and the annual Rose Festival is a colorful, fragrant celebration of this age-old tradition! Every year in spring, millions of tourist visit Bulgarian highlands to be able to go to the fields with the chance to harvest their own rose blooms, take part in the colorful festival, watch the traditional coronation ceremony of the Rose Queen and actively participate in rose oil and rose water production. After all of that, they then get to try the delicious liquors, jams and cosmetic products, all made from Bulgarian roses.  It's one of the festivals I'm dying to go to and I hope I get to go someday.  


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