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Falling Down The Rabbit Hole

Alice in Wonderland- Disney 1951

"Books are your ticket out of this quarantine and into the trip of your life."-Marilyn Sori 

When I first encountered this book by Lewis Carroll, I was mesmerized by its pure imagination.  I wondered to myself if it were even possible to have that sort of adventure in real life.  I have always been a curious person and have always questioned whether it were possible to fall down a portal into an enchanted realm where I could speak to flowers and animals.  Ahhh such dreaming is worth it, even for just a little.  I love fantasy books not only because they transport me out of this sometimes dull existence but because of the feeling of awe I get from them.  Yesterday, April 23rd was "World Book Day".  I personally think everyday should be an official book day as books should never go out of fashion.  We have so many distractions in our daily life with smartphones, tablets, laptops, and computers that we don't have time to just read a book and take the trip out of our routine world.  Technology for me is a double edged sword.  It is necessary but I don't think we should depend on it so much especially for leisure and pass time.  I think there are more constructive ways to spend your free time such as reading books, painting, or creating something uniquely yours.  

I highly suggest reading "Alice´s Adventures in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll and the sequel to this is "Through the Looking-Glass." It will not disappoint and you will absolutely love it.  It's much better than any of the  movies you have seen and it is written in such a way that you want to read more and more.

Fun Facts about Lewis Carroll

Who was Lewis Caroll?

Lewis Carroll´s real name was Lutwidge Dodgson (a lot of famous people change their names when they become well known.)  He was born January 27, 1832 in Daresbury, United Kingdom and died January 14, 1898 in Guildford, United Kingdom. He was not only a writer but an inventor, philosopher, mathematician, poet, and photographer.  He kept really busy.

Writing in the dark...

Lewis Carroll would usually get most of his brilliant ideas at night.  So he invented a system of writing called the nyctograph. In the 1800´s lighting a lamp was not as easy as switching on a light bulb. So he invented a system using dots and strokes so he wouldn't forget his ideas for his books.
Check out this link so you can see how the nyctograph was used.

Stuttering words

Lewis Carroll suffered from stutter.  Stuttering is a speech disorder where people either repeat the words they've said or prolong the words,syllables or phrases making it hard for them to pronounce the words in one go.  Ironically, when speaking with children he wouldn't stutter.  I think adults made him nervous and children made him feel safer.

He was Dodo in Alice in Wonderland

The characters in the books were based on real people in his surroundings.  Alice was a real person called Alice Liddel and he was fascinated by her. The Liddel family was his prime inspiration for all the characters in the book.  He based Dodo the bird as himself because when he'd try to say his name Dodgeson he'd stutter and say Dodo instead.

A famous photographer for his time

He created over 3,000 photographic images in his time including, landscapes, close friends, still life forms, and even famous people in the era such as Alfred, Lord Tennyson a very popular poet.

So now that you know a bit about his life and story why don't you pick up the book and read it and tell me all about it.  I'm sure it will be one of your favorites from here onwards.

 Here's a video on one of my top student's opinion on this book! 


  1. Oh what a coincidence, this is one of my favourite stories: "Alice in Wonderland". I even posted in my Virtual School Page a video recomending the book. I would like to share it with you and anyone who sees this post.

    1. Oh Thank you Carol!! It's such an amazing book! I will take a look!! :)


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