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A Pool of Seawater

Era un suspiro lánguido y sonoro la voz del mar aquella tarde-Manuel Machado

The ocean is such a great extension of mystery.  We know more about the sky and the stars than the depths of the ocean and its hidden treasures.  Water is always present in everything. Our fondest memories are always involved one way or another with water.  Just try and remember a good vacation, chances are it was at a river, lake, or an ocean.  You probably recall the comforting swim, a nice meal, and laughter with friends. 

Here in Galicia, we are forged in salt water.  It is our daily life, our inspiration, and our sustenance for living. We can't live without it.  There have been countless poems and books dedicated to the sea, especially here in Galicia. 


Today, we are going to talk about the very magnificent body of water which is the ocean which takes up around 70% of the surface on our planet. They don't call us the blue planet for nothing!

 Fun Facts about the Ocean

The Majority of life on Earth is aquatic.

 Most of the Earth´s surface is underwater and about 94 per cent of the Earth’s living species exist within its oceans. 

Less than 5% of the Ocean has been discovered.

According to the OceanService, humans have explored less than five per cent of Earth’s oceans. The ocean is still one of our biggest mysteries.

The longest underwater mountain range is underwater.

Earth’s longest chain of mountains, the Mid-Ocean Ridge, is almost entirely beneath the ocean, stretching across a distance of 65,000 kilometres. It’s said that this mountain chain is less explored than the surface of Venus or Mars.

The Ocean hides within it countless relics and artefacts.

There are more historic artefacts under the sea than in all of the world’s museums.The sea harbours many treasures of old from pirates to merchant ships destroyed by storms at sea.  There are legends of lost treasures even in our very own neighboring ria.  Check out the The Battle of Vigo Bay

Sea life and its inhabitant are still a mystery.

According to the WorldRegister of Marine Species there are now 240,470 recognized species, but this is believed to be just a small proportion of the species that exist, with new marine life being discovered everyday.

Our planet’s oxygen is mainly produced by the sea.

It’s thought that between 70 and 80 per cent of the oxygen we breathe is produced by marine plants, nearly all of which are marine algae. I'm pretty sure you thought it was the Amazon Rainforest right! the ocean and it's plants.

Underwater river and lakes exist.

When ground salt water and fresh water from the top combine, it  creates a milky effect called Halocline this makes the water denser than the rest of the water around it, enabling it to form a lake or river that flows beneath the sea.

The World´s largest ocean is the Pacific.

With 25,000 islands lying within it, the Pacific Ocean has more islands than anywhere else on the planet.

This was a picture I took on a trip to Greece, Milos from a boat.

My dearest friend a fellow mermaid and sea lover Pat Skinner featured me as a mermaid in one of her paintings and videos. It was such a beautiful act of friendship. I think it's wonderful to have such a talented friend that cares so much about the sea and its conservation. 

Please check out her websites and all her amazing books!

Two of my ultimate favorite books 
by Pat Skinner are 

I will share one of my favorite Ocean Limericks in her book...but to see more you´ll have to buy the book! I highly reccomend it!

Remember you can always contact me at


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