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We are one.

Be a rainbow in someone´s cloud-Maya Angelou

Here is a woman who has inspired me throughout my life; a woman who knew suffering as a person of color in a world of bigotry, and whose deep words have inspired many to rise above and beyond. Her words have touched my soul because they speak of love and gratitude, of overcoming adversity and the feeling of joy amist darkness. 

We are living in very chaotic times right now, where hate and rage are running rampant in my country, the United States, and the world.  We tend to think, "well, if nothing bad is happening here where I live, it's not going to happen; so I don't care"-- but if Covid-19 has taught us anything during these times of confinement, it´s that we cannot ignore what is happening in other parts of the world.  If it happens elsewhere, it can happen, or is happening --here. 

In these uncertain times, we must hold onto each other as a collective.  We are all one, regardless of skin color, race, gender, preferences, religion, or anything else that differentiates us. In the end, we are all just one race--human.  We all have feelings, desires, and dreams.  We all feel sadness, depression, loneliness, rage, and hunger for a better world. In the end, we all desire the same things--love, happiness, health, success, prosperity and to live a good life. 

If these times teach us anything, I hope that they teach us how to embrace each other as equals.  We can physically look different, speak different languages, have different ideals, but let us remember we are all one race;  we are human.  Let us not ignore, neglect, or mistreat anyone simply because they are different. Instead, let us treat each other with respect and kindness and stand in love for one another.

These are the moments in which we must extend our hand to each other in love.  We can never truly understand in full what another has struggled with or suffered through, but we all have the ability to listen.  We can show emotion and be present in their pain.  It takes so little of us to be empathic and this small gesture of love can change the world.  

It is up to you, the younger generations, to break the chains of racial discrimination and to educate future generations on the power of empathy.  It is up to you to change the world with love and come together.  I pray and hope that this happens someday, that everyone will be treated equally and that everyone will live together in harmony as one. I hope to see it within my lifetime, but in the meantime, I will try my hardest to teach and share the love and respect for others that I have always lived by. I can only hope that the way I live my life can inspire others to live their own lives within the foundations of love, equality, respect, and freedom.

"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.  I hope someday you will join us and the world will live as one."-John Lennon.  

TODAY´S CHALLENGE:  I want you all to investigate a famous African American who changed the world. Someone you think is inspiring and his/her contribution to the world was important.  I want a detailed biography with pictures and the reason why you've chosen this person for this challenge.  

Fun Facts about Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou was born April 4th 1928 in St. Louis, Missouri and died at the age of 86, in North Carolina on May 28th 2014. Her real name was Margurite Anne Johnson.  She was a mesmerizing woman who was a; poet, singer, dancer, and civil rights activist. She worked hand in hand with Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X to end racial discrimination and racial segregation. She is famous for her book "I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings"which made literary history as the first non-fiction bestseller by an African American woman.

She was the first black woman to conduct a cable car in San Francisco.
 Maya Angelou had gone to San Francisco on a scholarship for dance. However, in seeing the unique uniforms the conductors wore she decided this was a job she wanted to do.

Touring through Europe.
Maya Angelou rejected a Broadway play with a leading role to dance for an opera called "Porgy and Bess" and tour Europe.  She said it was the best decision ever.

She loved languages.
When touring through Europe, she was interested in learning new languages.  She ended up speaking six! She learned Spanish, French, Italian, Hebrew, Akan, and Fante.

She was an editor for "The Arab Observer."
While traveling to Egypt, she married and moved to El Cairo. She landed a job in the famous newspaper "The Arab Observer" and was Asociate Editor there.

Maya Angelou was a filmmaker.
She is well-known for three Grammy awards, but not a lot of people know that she also directed a movie called Down in the Delta. She was an actress in Calypso Heat Wave and the screenwriter and singer for Georgia Georgia.

She was the first woman and African American Poet to recite in a Presidential Inaugration.
Maya Angelou was invited to recite one of her poems for President Bill Clinton´s inaugration 1993.  Her poem called " On the Pulse of Morning" landed her the Grammy Award for "Best Spoken Word."

She was a great chef.
Maya Angelou enjoyed cooking and she was great at it.  Well she was amazing at many things.  She wrote two cookbooks.  Halleluja! The Welcome Table and Great Food All Day Long.

She owned her own line of Hallmark greeting cards.
She thought of the average person.  She wanted everyone to be exposed one way or another to her writing.  She made it possible for people who didn't like to read or couldn't buy her books to enjoy her writing. 

Here is a video about Maya Angelou´s life. Enjoy!

Remember you can always reach me at


  1. I humbly admit I knew nothing about Maya Angelou. She ´s a source of inspiration and I ´´m sure her words and life will come up in my classes from now on. Dear Marilyn this post is a spring of hope in these days of unleashed rage. Thanks for your healing words.

    1. Ohhhh thank you so much. My mission is to educate and promote hope and respect in these uncertain times especially. I hope this brings a little light of compassion to those in need.

  2. Well said, if only everyone could see this ❤❤

    1. I sure hope so... I hope my blog gets spread and goes out to where it is most needed. I am one small person but in my small way I am doing a big thing.


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