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Showing posts from May, 2020

Painting with Monet

Art and all its forms describe the inner workings of a person´s mind.  I find different types of art pieces similiar to the minds that paint them.  Everyone is completely unique and so is their particular art form.  You can study the techniques of all the artistic masters but you will have your own touch that will distinguish you among the rest.  No two people are alike and no two artist are either.  In my opinion, each person is gifted with a type of art talent that makes them undeniably different among all others.   A lot of people have told me that they don't see themselves as creative or artistic in any way. I believe we are all creatures of a creative nature by birth.   Some may think that they don't possess artistic abilities but all people do in some way or other.  Art is not limited to drawing or paintings--it can be the art of cooking, dancing, or just walking.  If you are alive you are a walking piece of art and that in itself is beautiful.   Everything in

Tea with Beatrix

Beatrix Potter´s paintings and stories still capture the attention of many today.  There´s something about imagining a secret life of animals similiar to humans that makes it all the more fascinating.  I remember the first time my sister gave me one of her books.  It was " The Roly Poly Pudding " also known as "The Tale of Samuel Whiskers"which was about a very naughty kitten and a family of mice that decided to eat him.  It was so scandelous for me because it is usually the other way know!  The cat usually eats the mouse! However, in this story the mice planned to eat the kitten.  I thought it was hillarious.  All the characters were really adorable and they all had really great stories. I started to picture myself and neighbors as animals dressed up in Victorian era clothing with their personalities and it was all really fun.  If you were an forest animal what would you be?  I bet most of you know the 2018 movie " Peter Rabbit " we

A Pool of Seawater

Era un suspiro lánguido y sonoro la voz del mar aquella tarde-Manuel Machado The ocean is such a great extension of mystery.  We know more about the sky and the stars than the depths of the ocean and its hidden treasures.  Water is always present in everything. Our fondest memories are always involved one way or another with water.  Just try and remember a good vacation, chances are it was at a river, lake, or an ocean.  You probably recall the comforting swim, a nice meal, and laughter with friends.  Here in Galicia, we are forged in salt water.  It is our daily life, our inspiration, and our sustenance for living. We can't live without it.  There have been countless poems and books dedicated to the sea, especially here in Galicia.     Today, we are going to talk about the very magnificent body of water which is the ocean which takes up around 70% of the surface on our planet. They don't call us the blue planet for nothing!   Fun Facts about the

Beyond the stars and sky...

Did you know that there was a Super Full Moon in Scorpio on Thursday.  It was a brilliant sight to see.  A super full moon is no ordinary moon.  It is a special moon that because of its proximity to the Earth it appears larger than usual.  This last super full moon in May is also called the Flower Moon.  This is because it coincides with the beginning of spring when the flowers begin to bloom. It was really amazing. The sky was so mysterious and the moon was really bright.   Sometimes when you look at the dark sky, you can´t help but feel wonder.  We are so small and that vast dark sky is endless.  We are just a speck of stardust in this infinite existence that extends and extends without measure.  The night sky has always been a comfort and a mystery.  I sometimes think about different planets and life in different places, way beyond the world we know. Sometimes we think we are the center of the universe but in reality, I think we are just a small chunk in a world so infinite tha

Talking with the Flowers

May is finally here!  Spring has arrived and the flowers have started to bloom.  They say April showers bring May flowers but I think it's May who has had the showers lately. As far as I can remember my mother has always told me May is the month of roses.  Roses are one of my favorite types of flowers. Did you know that Roses are edible ?! Word of the day: Edible it means you can eat it . Well yes, roses and other flowers are edible and some are quite tasty . You have to be very careful when you identify them so you can eat the right ones.  You don't want to eat a poisionous flower!!  Well in Victorian times, Roses were a delicacy and you could eat them in salads, desserts, and even in meat sauce.  I've tried roses and depending on the rose it will be more flavorful or less, it all depends on it's fragrance.  In general, they kind of taste like lettuce.  You have to make sure you eat one that hasn't been sprayed with pesticides or any chemicals.  It's fun to

Tea Time anyone?

"You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me."-C.S. Lewis If you are a tea or coffee lover like me, you´ll know how comforting it is to have a nice hot cup of tea throughout the day.  We seldom have time to really enjoy food or a drink and revel in its mere delight.  Tasting food with attention is like discovering a world within your senses.  The way something smells or tastes can take you to its origin without leaving your house.  This morning, I made myself a delicious glass of orange juice.  The flavor and scent transported me to the sweet fragrance of summer and being among orchards of oranges and wondrous orange blossoms.  We often forget that we have four other senses apart from sight that bring us pleasure in this world.  When was the last time you truly enjoyed that piece of chocolate you had or really stopped and felt how  nice a hot cup of cocoa feels in your belly?  These small things help us remember how beautiful and deli