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Showing posts from April, 2020

Through The Looking Glass

Science is the building block of all life.  When you think about it everything that is in existence breaks up into smaller bits.  Within these smaller bits is an entire world too small for our naked eye to see and too invisible for us to notice.  Lets take a look at our body. Our body is made up of cells.  Cells that when you study them are a world on their own.  In these cells there are atoms and further more until you reach Quantum Physics and a world within our world.  Fantasy tells us that a world within a world is not real but science proves this all wrong.  There is an entire universe within your body and not to mention within every living thing that exists in this planet and beyond.  All we know is that we know nothing of the vastness of life and the infinite mystery within it.  I am a deep lover of science because I am a dreamer.  You may say well that doesn't make much sense does it...well it does.  Science teaches us about the worlds within plants, animals

Falling Down The Rabbit Hole

Alice in Wonderland- Disney 1951 "Books are your ticket out of this quarantine and into the trip of your life."-Marilyn Sori  When I first encountered this book by Lewis Carroll, I was mesmerized by its pure imagination.  I wondered to myself if it were even possible to have that sort of adventure in real life.  I have always been a curious person and have always questioned whether it were possible to fall down a portal into an enchanted realm where I could speak to flowers and animals.  Ahhh such dreaming is worth it, even for just a little.  I love fantasy books not only because they transport me out of this sometimes dull existence but because of the feeling of awe I get from them.  Yesterday, April 23rd was "World Book Day".  I personally think everyday should be an official book day as books should never go out of fashion.  We have so many distractions in our daily life with smartphones, tablets, laptops, and computers that we don't have time t

Loving Vincent

Terrace de Cafe du Nuit reproduction by Leanna Nguyen  Original by Vincent Van Gogh Today's blog is dedicated to Vincent Van Gogh. After watching the movie "Loving Vincent" I thought what a great topic for the kids. The movie is absolutely brilliant. Every scene and every single part of the movie was hand painted and inspired by Vincent Van Gogh's original paintings. He was a genius during his time but he was unappreciated and unfortunately died a sad death. Now, many years later his work is studied and respected as one of the best and it comes to show you how important one person's vision can be for the future. I encourage my students to create whatever they wish in their minds and hearts because you'll never know who you could inspire and how far you can get. Dare to draw out your visions, dreams, and imagination and let it take you to great heights. Here is a link to draw one of Vincent Van Gogh's most famous paintings. I'd

Dream a little dream with me...

Today is yet another grey day. It seems harder to cope with being indoors if the sun isn't shining. Does anyone else feel the same way? I think a daily dose of sunshine is healthy and uplifting. So tell me do you like sunbathing? I'm a big beach fan. So let's daydream a little shall we? I'd like you to imagine a beautiful sunny place you'd go to, if you had a chance. Perhaps, it would be Greece, Hawaii, Cuba, or Rome.. Wherever it is I'd like you to draw it out. Go online and find a specific place in your dream country where you would go if you could. It has to be outside of your country.  Once you've decided the country and the place you'll need to tell me all about it. Where you'd stay whether it be a B&B, hotel, rental house etc and where you would eat. State specific restaurants and food trucks if any... and what you'd do there. As if you were planning your very own vacation where you'd do anything you want to do. You can se

My First Blog

Hello! My name is Marilyn and some of you may already know me as your crazy English teacher.  I decided to make a blog and share my crazy ideas and questions during these insane times.  The quarantine has changed our entire life and it seems as if it has all gone upside down.  However, we can always manage ways to use our time to create new ways of living and share ideas to inspire hope, happiness, and curiosity.  For me this is a space for ideas to flow...questions to be asked...and sharing feelings openly.  I invite you to embark on this journey to discover new things with me and that we may share a delightful moments where lightbulbs illuminate in our minds and our hearts.